
Adult Sabbath School

We offer three options for adult Sabbath School each Sabbath morning.  

- Our Sanctuary study group meets in the Sanctuary and features discussion on the Sabbath School topic of the week.

- The Balcony adult group also follow the Sabbath School topic of the week, but also have a zoom option for participation.

Children's Ministry

The children in our church are not just the future - they are actively included in the ministries of the church today.

- Cradle Roll also known as Toddler Bible Story Time (infants/toddlers): Children in this class use music and props to help teach basic Bible lessons in themes like, the Garden, Heaven, Noah's ark, and Creation.  Children will learn cooperation, prayer, colors, and God's word through the theme and Scripture songs. Check out their facebook page here.


Noah's Ark Theme


    Garden Theme


-Kindergarten (4-12 years): This class go through all the major Bible stories and themes, learning to make the lessons practical for their age. Children will learn more about our wonderful God through activities, singing, and lessons tailored for their age.


- Primary (pre-teens): This class will learn the fundamentals of Scripture/doctrine in a fun and engaging way through fellowship and activities.


- Juniors (teens): This class will tackle deeper spiritual areas and support our youth live godly lives in a sinful world.


For grades K-4, the Adventurer Club is part of a world-wide co-ed scouting type organization.  Children learn skills, enjoy nature, earn honors all in a family friendly safe and God centered enviornment. Check out their facebook page here.

Pathfinder Club

For grades 5-12, the Pathfinder Club is part of a world-wide co-ed scouting type organization. Our local New Albany church currently doesn't have a Pathfinder club. But we can help you find the nearest one for you!

Health Ministry

We believe the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19) and that God wants us to be healthy in Spiritually, Mentally, Phyicially, and Socially. (Luke 2:52, 2 John 1:2) Our health ministry tries to help the community in all these areas. When we have a healthy body we have a healthy mind to understand God's word.  This is our prayer as we teach and share in health ministry,

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 2 John 1:2

Join us Saturdays after Divine Worship service for a healthy plant-based fellowship meal.

Other on-going or previous Health Ministries include:

Monthy Supper Club: Currently happening! We get together once a month to learn and cook a delicious plant-based meal together. Then we enjoy fellowship and the food!

2021 Youth Triathlon: Commuity youth practiced with us for 6 weeks leading up to the race and learned health principles. When they completed practice and at home fitness logs they earned free race day registration and a brand new bike!

Community 5k

Esselstyn Support Group: for previous those with previous heart issues, wanting to continue a healthy plant-based special Esselstyn encouraged diet.

Bible Study School

Join our at home Bible School. Choose one of our popular Bible Study Courses to study. You can study with a mentor or on your own. Your lessons will be graded and given back to you.

Upon completion of each coarse you will recieve a special gift and diploma! Go to and put in offer code IN-020 or fill out the side bar for all our study guide options.

See Side bar to get your free Amazing Adventures Kids Bible Study Guides and go through the DVD series too!  Your kids will love it and learn so much about Jesus!